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How do you choose which facial is best for you At MBE, and which product compliments that facial?

Your skin deserves some love – the perfect facial + product match!

One of the first things I ask new clients is if they had a magic wand, what would they want to change about their skin. They might be troubled by dry, flaky patches; they could be shocked by the number of fine lines that have cropped up around their eyes, or maybe they’ve started having breakouts on their skin-something not seen since puberty.

The condition of your skin will be forever changing because of your lifestyle, genetics, hormones, etc., but facials plus the right home care regimen will get you off to the right start towards loving the skin you have right now. But how do you choose which facial is best for you and which product complements that facial?

Below are some common skin concerns my clients have along with the perfect facial/ home care product love match. (Truth-your home care may be more important than the facial)

1). Aging – Facial wrinkling, expression lines, loss of volume, and drier, more sensitive skin, hyperpigmentation may be a result of aging. At Michele Burns Esthetics when I attempt to correct signs of aging, I believe it is important to use modalities and products that not only treat but also prevent future damage from occurring. If you just want to focus on facial contouring you should choose my Microcurrent Facial. If you are concerned with texture AND tone my Signature Facial targets All the unwanted signs of aging. MBE Signature Facial is the first-class facial that addresses aging, pigment, fine lines, dry, sensitive skin, dark circles, sagging skin, and blemishes. You are going to LOVE this facial and will want to book again.

Perfect match for Anti-aging =MBE Signature Facial or Microcurrent Facial with DNA Skin Institute Signal Plus to prevent future damage from occurring and stimulate 71% of collagen.

2) Texture– Acne/ Breakouts, skin discoloration, dryness – Yes I put them all in one category. Whether you have breakouts, uneven skin tone(pigment), or dry patches chances are you need some cellular turnover. A poor Cellular Turnover rate can result in acne, pigmentation, overall aged, and unhealthy looking skin. I suggest the Rezenerate facial because it has the best of both worlds. Product infusion + Exfoliation. This facial will uncover a new layer of skin with gentle exfoliation and help with better product penetration. If you want to focus on cleaning out pores, balancing oil production, fine lines/wrinkles, and/or nourishing dull, dry, uneven pigmented skin then the Rezenerate facial is for you.

  • Perfect Match for Acne= Rezenerate Facial + DNA Mediclear Pads
  • Perfect Match for Pigment=Rezenerate Facial + DNA Mediclear Gel
  • Perfect Match for Dry/Sensitive Skin=RezenerateFacial +DNA Zen Therapy

3) I don’t know what I need/have skin– Honestly, you really couldn’t go wrong with any facial. All facials are designed to promote relaxation, address specific skin concerns, and give results. It just depends on the level of results you wish to achieve. So if you want a first-class facial choose the Signature Facial, if you just want to relax, choose the Custom Facial. (I customize all facials whether you have sensitive skin, acne, or want to focus on anti-aging.) The most important skincare products that you own are your cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF.

Perfect love match for ALL skin concerns= Any Facial + My Skin Buddy +DNA Cleanser, DNA moisturizer, and SPF based on your skin type.

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