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Jennifer Caron Hall et al. posing for the camera

2022 Year in Review

Did you have an aunt who sent the crazy holiday card, a newsletter full of details about every (single) event that happened all year?

Well, I would again like to honor her with my end-of-year holiday email.

January started with high hopes for an excellent 2022 after I moved my business to Mount Pleasant sooner than expected. Tons of friends and family showed up to help get it ready, and despite covid, my 1st appointment in the new spa was on Jan 19th.

February was filled with love, excitement, and trips. I received an A from the board of Cosmetology inspector, went on a trip with my best friends, and did some “business research” in a spa in Asheville.

In March, I was oh-so-happy to be in the swing of things, sharing my passion for moisturizers and cleansers. My business partner, a.k.a. my husband, was working hard painting the outside and getting the rental rooms ready to lease.

April was busy! I invited two new renters into my space, Amanda and Dani. I spent spring break with my oldest daughter, Zoe, in Boone (For those who don’t know, she is the best). Oh, and I had a little bump in the road and was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer.

May was full of celebrations and gratitude. Many of you showed up to celebrate my Grand Opening and my birthday. You made me feel so special. That day made me realize that my business was not just about helping women feel beautiful, but about making meaningful connections with clients.

In June, I had my thyroidectomy, didn’t skip a beat, and started my glorious days of Summer camping and preaching sunscreen. (You better be wearing every day, not just Summer, by the way!)

July, supposedly a slow season for the spa world, God had me booked in my treatment room, unclogging pores, microcurrenting like a rock star, and once again hanging out with amazing clients.

August, the lovely Mariah started bringing her positivity and helping me take things off my plate and focus more on you, my beloved client. The kids started a new school, and we all went to western New York to celebrate my nephew’s wedding.

In September, I hired the talented Logan (another Esthetican whose clients have been raving about how skilled and pain-free she is with her waxing). They say to employ a smile and train the skill; she came with both.

In October, I met many Mount Pleasanters at the Fall Festival, welcomed local business pop-ups, and was voted Best Day Spa for the second year.

November, I brought on sweet, hard-working Brianna, the Licensed Massage Therapist. Many of you have already taken advantage of this much-needed service.

December – 577 appointments later; this year has been a blur and a blast. Lots of facials, training, and enjoying the beautiful decorations that Amanda graciously did for the spa.

Forecasting 2023 – I am counting all my blessings (including you) and trusting God’s plan for my business. I have many projects planned already that will continue to expand my mission of making the spa a place to relax, rejuvenate and connect.

Thank you for all your love and support of me/my business! It means the world to me.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,


1476 South Main Street
Mount Pleasant NC 28124

a sign in front of a brick building

Thank you so much for supporting my small business! 

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